Since the celebration of Women’s Month is based on a National Law which is Republic Act 9710 otherwise known as Magna Carta for Women Act of 2009, all government instrumentalities such as Local Government Units, including the barangays as the smallest political unit in the country are hereby enjoined to conduct activities showing support to the women and gender equality.
In keeping the pronouncement of the Philippine Rodrigo Duterte’s inaugural address, the implementation of the Magna Carta for Women is in the main agenda of every local government unit so as to ensure that man and woman will be partners in the pursuit of the country’s economic, social, cultural and political developments. This pursuit of development under the Duterte administration is also anchored on the commitment of “Malasakit at Pagbabago” or True Compassion and Real Change. Thus, from 2017 to 2022, we will focus on these key foundations: partnership for change and full implementation of the Magna Carta for Women (Republic Act 9710), Captured through the theme: “We Make Change Work for Women.”
For the Local Governemnt Unit of Magallanes, the GADFPS has approved the following activities:
February 26, 2019 – Mayor’s Announcement to the Flag Ceremony about the activities to be conducted in celebration of Women’s Month this March 2019.
February 28, 2019 – Hanging of Women’s Month Tarpaulins and Streamers
March 8, 2019 – International Women’s Day; There will be “Women’s Right Advocacy Parade” around the town to be participated by LGU Women Employees, NGAs Women Employees, 34 Punong Barangays and 34 KALIPI Presidents
March 11-15, 2019 – LGU CARAVAN: Bringing the LGU Services Closer to the People.
The LGU composed of its different Departments / Offices will go to the Barangays to bring the services closer to the people. The services that would be available on the dates herein mentioned are as follows:
- Free Medical Check-up for Women Participants.
- Free Dental Services (Tooth Extraction Only) for Women Participants.
- Free Advice on Agricultural Techniques and free vegetable seeds to women farmers.
- Free haircut, manicure & pedicure for women participants.
- Free token
- Parlor Games and Raffle.
- Mobile Civil Registration (Registration of Births)
- Information and Education Campaign on the following:
- Solid Waste Management (IEC & Distribution of Flyers)
- Disaster Risk Reduction Management (Distribution of Flyers)
- Real Property Tax/ Assessment Concerns (Consultation)
- Consultation with other Municipal Government Department Heads, if needed.
Clustering of the Barangays & Venue:
Cluster 1
Anibong, Tagas, Cagtalaba, Cagbolo and Hubo
March 11, 2019 @ Cagbolo NHS Compound
Cluster 2
Behia, Biga, Bacalon, Aguada Norte, Aguada Sur, Banacud, Cawit Extension, Cawit Proper, Binisitahan Sur, Binisitahan Norte, Bacolod, Pantalan & Central
March 12, 2019 @ Municipal Covered Court LGU Compound
Cluster 3
Magsaysay, Bulala, Pili, Tula-Tula Norte, Sta. Elena & Incarizan
March 13, 2019 @ Pili Basketball Court
Cluster 4
Caditaan, Biton & Ginangra
March 14, 2019 @ Barangay Caditaan
Cluster 5
Malbog, Siuton, Busay, Tula-Tula Sur, Lapinig, Salvacion & Pawik
March 15, 2019 @ Siuton Barangay Site