Solid waste disposal is one of the pressing problems that seriously threaten modern societies of today. The bloating quantity of solid wastes generated is a massive environmental problem as well as a tremendous concern of everybody. Thus, posts for an effective and integrated ecological solid waste management.

Pursuant to Section 17 of RA 7160, known as Local Government Code of 1991 and Republic Act 9003 series of 2000, an act providing for an Ecological Solid Waste Management program which is under jurisdiction of the Local Government Unit for the implementation, enforcement of the provisions of the said act, corresponds to the formulation of the Local Government Solid Waste Management Plan.

The objective of this program is to implement integrated solid waste management in many ways that are protective to human health and the environment. Reducing the amount of toxicity of material entering the waste flow (minimization); re-using as much materials as practicable; recycling the waste that cannot be used and recovery of resources and residue disposed off in an environmentally sound way are some of the means to avoid too much waste accumulation.

In line with the solid waste management program, the LGU of Magallanes intends to exchange 1 kilo of rice or 3 pieces of noodles for 1 kilo or more of dried residual garbage generated from Barangay Central (business district of Magallanes). Interested individuals may go directly to the designated redemption area every Wednesdays and Fridays to exchange their residual wastes.


1. This activity is dubbed as “Basura Mo, Isang (1) Kilong Bigas o Dalawang (2) Sardinas o Tatlong (3) pirasong Noodles ko.”

2. This activity is part of the IEC for Solid Waste Management Program of the LGU of Magallanes.

3. This is open to all qualified residents of Barangay Central.

4. Only dried residual waste (pet bottles, tin cans, thin film plastics, sando bags, tetra packs, cigarette butts, food wrappers, candy wrappers, biscuit wrappers, rags, used clothing / shoes / bags, metallic foil, styrofor, shampoo and laundry sachets, diapers) generated from Barangay Central shall be exchanged during the schedule.

5. Participating individuals from Barangau Central shall exchange their Dried Residual Waste @ the Exchange Center located at Municipal Gymnasium, LGU Compound, Magallanes, Sorsogon every Wednesday and Friday from 6:00 in the morning until 7:00 only.

6. This program will run from September 12 to December 31 or until supply lasts.

7. Each individual may be allowed to exchange their Dried residual waste once every week to accommodate all interested residents to avail of this promo.

8. For more details, you may contact the focal persons at 0912-248-4672 and 0912-734-3730.
